Random Password Generator



Passwords are like underwear

They should be changed often, not left in the open, and not shared with anyone…

So, need a quick, random password?

Well, here’s a script I wrote that generates a random password with a given number of characters, with the choice to select Upper case, Lower case, numbers and / or special characters.

It excludes characters that are easily confused (lower case l & number 1, capital O, number 0, etc).




Here’s the source code

Web Form:

Password will appear here.
number of characters (8+ for stronger passwords, 99 limit)
Use upper case characters: ABCDEFGHJKPQRSTUXYZ
Use lower case characters: abcdefghjkopqrstuxyz
Use numbers: 23456789
Use special characters: !@#$%()



'number of characters' can not be less than selection of characters to use.

    //no errors, generate the password
    $password = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
        $password .= $toUse[(rand() % strlen($toUse))];

    //define the array to return
    $passwordArray[0] = $password;
    $passwordArray[1] = $upperCase;
    $passwordArray[2] = $lowerCase;
    $passwordArray[3] = $numbers;
    $passwordArray[4] = $specialChars;

    //check that the password contains at LEAST 1 character from each selected category
    $hasUpper = strpbrk($passwordArray[0],$passwordArray[1]);
    $hasLower = strpbrk($passwordArray[0],$passwordArray[2]);
    $hasNumber = strpbrk($passwordArray[0],$passwordArray[3]);
    $hasSpecChar = strpbrk($passwordArray[0],$passwordArray[4]);
    if(($useUpperCase == "true" && $hasUpper == "") || ($useLowerCase == "true" && $hasLower == "") || ($useNumbers == "true" && $hasNumber == "") || ($useSpecialChars == "true" && $hasSpecChar == ""))
        return "FALSE";

    //it contains everything it needs... return the password
        $password = "Your password is:
        return $password;

do // get the password to display
    $password = fGenerateRandomPassword($_GET['length'],$_GET['useUpper'],$_GET['useLower'],$_GET['useNumbers'],$_GET['useSpecialChars']);
while($password=="FALSE") // until it's not returned as 'FALSE'

document.getElementById('passwordBlock').innerHTML = '';